torstai 17. marraskuuta 2011

Washing hair in the dark....

Funny thing happened yesterday evening. I was home alone around 8pm (I share the flat with 3 friends since appartments are big in Italy and way too expensive for one to rent by themselves). I went to wash my hair in the bathtub, when all of a sudden the lights went off. There I was in the total darkness... home alone... and only cold water came from the shower (since no electricity to warm the water)... hmm... I thought, I'm sure it will come back soon. So after a quick rinse of my hair (in the dark and cold...) I got off the bath.

I went to explore where the fuse-box might be (after just 2 weeks in my new home I am not quite sure where everything is yet... at least when it is dark and I have to go around in darkness) and found it in the hall near the entrance. The lights were on outside our door so I knew it is only in our flat that has no electricity. But all fuses were fine to my knowledge (or at least what I could see in the dark...). So I thought maybe there is another one of these boxes in the other part of the flat (flat is quite big and has two kitchens etc). But since it was dark I would never find it I thought. I had some battery left in my computer so I thought I'll watch something from the internet to keep me occupied while waiting for the others to come home.

So I waited for some 2 hours and finally I thought I'll go and ask help from my new friend upstairs.. at least he would speak English. So I went upstairs and rang the doorbell and an old man - I've never seen before - opened the door.. uuupps.. wrong door. I managed to tell my business in Italian and he came back with me.. in his pajamas... But he could not find the problem either. So I rang to one of my roommates and she was just coming home soon. After she arrived she could not find the problem either. We tried to call the owners of the house but it was 11pm by then and they were not answering. We send them an sms to explain what is happening and decided to go to sleep since there was nothing else we could really do - in the dark... luckily I had bought myself a hot-water-bottle earlier and luckily there were gas-stowe in the kitchen, that I could get the bottle full of hot-water. Since no electricity meant - no heating! So I went to sleep early, 11 pm, with the help of Melatonin to make me sleep at this early hour... and with the company of the hot-water-bottle to keep me warm.

In the morning still no electricity so no work either then... so I got myself some warm clothing and blankets and hot tea and did some reading on my sofa while waiting for the electricians. They finally came around 11am with the house-owner. Seems the fuse in the fuse-box had burned from the back-end, there was a big hole in one of the fuses. The electricians said that it was an old model and were wondering who ever put it there in the first place. Well that might explain the common problems with the electricity my roommates have experienced in this flat.

One of my roommates said today that I am being tried by "Life in Rome".  Seems that Live in Rome is full of waiting and stress and problems, but you must take them with humor and content, otherwise you'll go crazy with waiting and things not going according to your plans. I'll take these incidents are new experiences that I can take humor from. Positivie attitude is the key of things not getting to you, but for the things bringing a smile to your face! Welcome to the Middle Ages - to Rome!

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